Welcome to the Newman Lab
We are a group of synthetic chemists at the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) interested in developing new reactions and processes for application in the pharmaceutical, fine, and bulk chemical industries. We combine our fundamental understanding of chemical reactivity with modern technologies such as homogeneous catalysis, high throughput reaction screening, and flow chemistry to discover new knowledge and design more efficient chemical processes. Researchers interested in joining the group should contact Steve directly at stephen.newman@uottawa.ca.
Dec 17, 2024: Piers' and Hana's work on metal-free styrene hydroalkylation is now online in Angewandte. Eric's article on the potential of P2N2 ligands in cross-coupling chemistry is online in Synlett. Congrats all!
Oct 11, 2024: The group attends QOMSBOC in Toronto. Aref and Piers take home prizes for their presentations. Congratulations!
Sept 3, 2024: Recent MSc graduate Zichuan's work on overriding typical selectivity in the Mizoroki-Heck reaction of vinyl boronates is publised in Org Lett. Congrats Zichuan, and good luck in Cornell! We also welcome new visiting scholar Mario Martinez who joins us from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
July 15, 2024: Adam and team's work on the deoxygenative arylation of beta-silyl alcohols is published in JACS. Adam is awarded a prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship to carry out a PDF in the Wender lab. Congrats x2, and good luck at Stanford!
May 10, 2024: After another great collaboration with Pfizer, Aishabibi and team's work on overcoming limitations in Miziroki-Heck reactions is published in ACS Catalysis. We say goodbye to Aisha as she finishes her PDF and returns to Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.
May 2, 2024: Zichuan successfully defends his MSc thesis and Adam defends his PhD. Congrats to both! We also say goodbye to Aisha as well as honours students Filiz, Baha, Robynne, and Janice. We welcome new undergraduate summer students Dongliang and John. Hana completes her B.Sc and joing the group as an M.Sc student. Best of luck to everyone's new research endeavors!
Apr 17, 2024: Gilian reports the scale-up of the synthesis and utilization of a P2N2 ligand for reductive 1,2 addition in Org Syn. Eric's work on controlling Heck selectivity is published in JACS. Adam's review on the use of alcohols in transition metal catalysis is published in Chem Rev.